9/15/20 Review Ratios/Rates HW: study for Fraction Decimal Percent Quiz on Wednesday
9/14/2020 Watch the video from class Problem Solving Review
Complete #2-4 on handout that was emailed.
First IXL L.2 is due Friday at 5 pm, there will be a quiz on Wednesday on Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
9/11/2020 Finish Khan Academy assignments
9/10/2020 Review Fraction Decimal Percent
Watch the video below and complete the guided notes. Work on examples for practice and homework. Calculators can be used to check answers, the processes should be known.
Guided notes with examples: Fraction Decimal Percent Guided Notes and Worksheet
9/9/2020 Finish creating problems with your significant numbers.
9/8/2020 Welcome Back! Don't forget to get your Course Expectations signed and think of an adjective that best describes yourself.
Thank you!
4/9/2020 Here is the key for Lesson 4, be sure to check your answers. Have a great week off.
M5 L4 key
4/8/2020 Good morning! We made it to Spring Break! Your last assignment is IXL DD.1: Probability of Simple Events. Work on this today, as you would normally be in class for 40 minutes. Check your answers for lesson L3 below. I will post the answer key for L4 tomorrow, when I have received everyone's. Get all of your work done today, then take a well deserved break. I will post the next lesson Monday 4/20. Be well, be safe. Miss you guys!
M5 L3 key
4/7/2020 Good morning! Don't forget, third quarter closes tomorrow. Check eschool to see if you are missing anything. If you believe that you sent me an assignment and eschool is not reflective of it, please let me know. Today is the last new lesson until after break. Check tomorrow for a review assignment.
1) Check your answers for lessons 1 and 2
M5 L1&2 Answer key
2) Module 5 Lesson 4 Calculating Probabities for Chance Experiments with Equally Likely Outcomes
Watch the video to go along with lesson 3. Homework is pg S.31-S.32: 1-6. On #4, inclusive means included. For part a, you do not have to have to list every outcome in the sample space. The sample space is the numbers 00-99 (so 100 outcomes). Due at noon tomorrow, email with questions.
4/6/2020 This will be a short week. You will have lessons Monday and Tuesday, then we will do review on Wednesday. You have been working so hard, we will take a break after Wednesday and resume on Monday April 20th. Grades close Wednesday, so please make sure I have received all of your assignments. Thank you.
Module 5 Lesson 3 Chance Experiments with Equally Likely Outcomes
You will need your books, your notebook, and a paper or plastic cup before you sit down to watch this video. Homework is pg S.22-S.24: 1-6 all parts due at noon tomorrow.
4/3/2020 Module 5 Lesson 2 Estimate Probabilities
Good morning, I am so proud of the projects submitted, everyone of you submitted them, early or on time. Great job, your grades are in eschool. Below is today's lesson. Homework is pg S.14-16:2-4, due Monday at noon. Watch the video, do your homework while it's fresh in your mind, then you can enjoy of nice weekend. Take care.
4/2/2020 Module 5 Lesson 1 Chance Experiments
1) Email your project if you have not already done so. I am very happy with what has been submitted so far.
2) Be sure to have your notebooks and your Module 5 Eureka book in front of you when you sit down to watch the video.
3) Homework is pg S.6-S.8: 1-7 due by 5pm Friday
4/1/2020 Happy April!
Many of you have already sent in your projects. Great job and I am loving the creativity. If you have not already done so, you can email it by the end of today to receive extra credit. Otherwise it is due tomorrow. Please check back tomorrow because your next lesson will be posted. We will be starting Module 5, so you need your next book. Have a great day!
You should continue to work on your percent assignment today. The directions are on the link below for yesterday's lesson. If you have any questions, please let me know. Make sure to save your projects, as you will be required to turn them in when school resumes. I have already received a finished product, so I know you can get this done and relax for a bit!
I am giving you an assignment today on percents. Click on the link below for the instructions. This is due Thursday at your normal class time (9:12am). This will be counted as a quiz grade. If you email your assignment on Wednesday or sooner, you will receive 4% extra credit. If you have any questions, please let me know. Have fun with this!
Percent Assignment
Great to see you today on Zoom! Have a great weekend and we are back to work on Monday! Take care.
1) Check your answers:
2) Watch the video below:
3) HW : pg S.57: 1-3 due at 5pm tomorrow
4) I have set up a Zoom meeting for tomorrow at 1pm. Sign on to join for a question and answer time, and just to say hello to your classmates.
Cathleen Fraass is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Cathleen Fraass's Zoom Meeting
Time: Mar 27, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 329 255 8525
1) Check your answers:
Multistep percent problems key
2) Watch the video below. This was created by some of my former students, a good video on Simple Interest. This is an example of the end of year project in 7th grade math.
3) Complete IXL M7: Which is the better coupon. This is a practice for discount. Due tomorrow at 5pm.
You are all doing great! Email me with any questions or concerns. I miss being in the classroom with you.
3/24/2020 Simple Interest
This lesson is in your book, Module 4 Lesson 10, starting page S.63. Follow along in your book while you are watching the video. You may want your notebook out and write some notes in it.
Homework is pg S.66 #1, 2, 3ab. Please complete your homework on a separate sheet of paper, there is not enough room in the book for your work. Remember to start every problem with the formula. This will be due tomorrow at 5pm. Thanks and have a great day!
3/23/2020 The first thing I would like you to do is check your answers for the discount hw and the commission.
Discount Key
Commission Key
Watch the video below that goes along with your worksheet Multi-step Percent Problems. These problems will incorporate sales tax, tip and discount, so they will require more than one-step. But, the concept is not new. Email with any questions. Due tomorrow at 5pm.
3/20/2020 Review Tip Tax Discount
Please go to https://kahoot.it/ and complete challenge 0367320. Please use your real name so I know who you are. This assignment will be only be up until Monday at the normal class time, so work on it today and take a break this weekend. It will be counted for completion, but please do not guess, because in the future they will be counted for accuracy.
Check your answers for 3/17/2020 below. Be safe and have a good weekend. As always, email me with any questions.
3/19/2020 Module 4 Commission
You have the worksheet to go along with this video. Watch the video and complete worksheet as you watch the video. Remember to pause the video as needed. The additional problems not covered are your homework, please email to me by Friday 3/20 at 5pm I will post answer keys after due dates. I realize that this is the same due date as yesterday's assignment, but you should be working on math each day. Most of you have already sent me the assignments.
3/18/2020 Module 4 Discount
You have the worksheet to go along with this video. Watch the video and complete worksheet as you watch the video. Remember to pause the video as needed. The additional problems not covered are your homework, please email to me by Friday 3/20 at 5pm I will post answer keys after due dates.
3/17/2020 Below you will find your first assignment. This is new and different for all of us. If we work together, things will all work out. Email with any questions.
Module 4 Sales Tax and Total Cost
Watch the youtube video that goes along with your guided notes that I left for you in your packets.
Complete the examples that I do not complete in the video. This is due Thursday at 5pm. Take a picture of it or scan it on your home computer and email it to me. Don't hesitate to ask me questions or search another video. There is so much out there out your disposal. Good luck! Mrs Fraass
Welcome Back! I hope everyone is well rested and ready to begin working again in math. You will find homework assignments, quizzes and tests posted here. Also, most documents that have been distributed in class will have a link here to print, if necessary.
3/9/2020 HW: pg S.35:1-4, 6
3/10/2020 HW: pg S: 41: 1-5, 7, 8
3/11/2020 HW: none
3/12/2020 Pi Day Celebration: bring in someone circular to share if you wish! HW: pg S.50-51:1,2,6,9,10,11 Finish IXL
3/13/2020 No Classes-PD for teachers IXL L.7 due at 5 pm
3/2/2020 HW: End of module 3 take home test due Friday
3/3/2020 HW: pg S.5: 1a,b,2-4, pg S.12: 1 a,c,e, 2,3 a,b
3/4/2020 No class-field trip
3/5/2020 HW: take home test
3/6/2020 Take home test due, no IXL this week HW: pg S.18: 1a,b,c 2a,b S.29: 1a-d, 2,3
2/24/2020 HW: pg S.147: 1 a,b 2 a,b,c
2/25/2020 HW: pg S.160: 1 a,b,c.e 3a
2/26/2020 HW: exit ticket L23 and L25
2/27/2020 Snow day
2/28/2020 Review packet #4,5, 6a, b, 7IXL AA.5 due at 5 pm
2/10/2020 HW: pg S.108: 1-6
2/11/2020 HW: S.117: 1-6
2/12/2020 HW: pg S. 131: 1,3,4,5,7
2/13/2020 HW: pg S.138: 1, 4,6,7
2/14/2020 IXL S.7 due at 5 pm Enjoy the break!
2/3/2020 HW: pg S.101: 1-4
2/4/2020 No class Field Trip
2/5/2020 HW: review #3,5,7
2/6/2020 HW: study for Mid Module assessment
2/7/2020 Mid Module 3 Assessment IXL S.8 due at 5 pm
1/27/2020 HW: pg S.69: 1,2,3,5
1/28/2020 HW: none
1/29/2020 HW: pg S.86: 1,2,3a-f
1/30/2020 HW: pg S.91: 1,2 a-d, 3a-d, 6
1/31/2020 No IXL this week
1/21/2020 HW: 1-19 odd, solve and check, use separate paper
1/22/2020 HW: pg S.56-S.57: 1,2,5,9,11
1/23/2020 HW: IXL R.17 due Monday
1/24/2020 IXL S.6 due Monday Simplifying Expressions Quiz Monday
1/13/2020 Pg S. 34: 1b 2 a,b,c 3 a,b,c 4a,b
1/14/2020 HW: front and back of page 1 practice test
1/15/2020 HW: study for test tomorrow-go through examples, practice on IXL
1/16/2020 Test lessons 1-6 HW: finish IXL R.14
1/17/2020 IXL R.14 due HW: pg S.49:1-3 Quiz corrections due Wednesday 1/22/2020
1/6/2020 HW: pg S.5: 1-9
1/7/2020 HW: pg S.5-6: 10-18
1/8/2020 HW: pg S.12-13: 1b, d,g, j,k 2 b,e 3 b,e 4b
1/9/2020 HW: pg S.22:4
1/10/2020 IXL R.8 due at 5 pm Quiz Combine like terms HW: pg S.22:5, pg S.27:4, pg S.28: 5, 6 a,c, 7 a,b,c
12/9/19 HW: none
12/10/19 HW; none
12/11/19 HW: pg S.135: 1-5
12/12/19 HW: pg S.143: 1,3,4-6
12/13/19 IXL R.11 due Monday Module 2 Test Tuesday 12/17 End of module assessment 1,2,5
12/2/19 HW: S.95: 1-3
12/3/19 HW: none
12/4/19 HW: pg S.101: 2-5
12/5/19 HW: pg S.108-109: 1-4
12/6/19 IXL H.10 due Monday 12/9 Quiz-Operations with rational numbers
11/18/19 HW: pg S.77: 1-2
11/19/19 HW: pg S.83-84: 1, 3a ,b
11/22/19 IXL C.17 due at 5 pm
11/12/19 HW: pg S.58: 1-2
11/13/19 HW: front of worksheet 1-30
11/15/19 IXL C.6
Scale Drawing Projects due Tuesday November 12th
11/4/19 HW: pg S.47: 1-6
11/5/19 No School for Students
11/6/19 HW: pg, S.52:1-6
11/7/19 HW: finish review packet, study for quiz
11/8/19 Quiz Add/Subtract Rational Numbers IXL C.3 due at 5pm
10/28/19 HW: pg S.16-S.17: 1-5
10/29/19 HW: pg S.26-S.27: 1-4
10/30/19 HW: worksheet
10/31/19 HW: Happy Halloween!
11/1/19 IXL B: Quantities that combine to zero
10/21/19 HW; none
10/22/19 HW: none
10/23/19 HW: Module 2 pg S.5: 1-5
10/24/19 HW: pg S.11-12: 1-7
10/25/19 IXL K.4 due
next week's IXL: B: Quantities that combine to zero (new standard, there is not a number attached to it, you will find it under topic B, Integers)
Module 1 Assessment next Thursday 10/17/19, bring in poster board and fun size candy wrapper by next Friday 10/18/19
10/15/19 HW: finish review packet
10/16/19 HW: study for Module 1 Test
10/17/19 Module 1 Assessment HW: bring in poster board and fun size candy wrapper
10/18/19 IXL K.11 due
10/7/19 HW: pg S.77-S.79: 1-5
10/8/19 HW: pg S.85: 3,4,6
10/9/19 HW: none
10/10/19 L18 HW: pg S.91:1-6
10/11/19 IXL K.2 due
9/30/19 HW: pg S.54: 1-5
10/1/19 HW: pg S.57:1-4
10/2/19 HW: pg S.67: 1-4
10/3/19 HW: pg S.71-S.72 : 1-3
10/4/19 IXL K.5 due
9/23/19 HW: pg S. 36:1-5
9/24/19 HW: pg S.41-S.42 #2-4 all parts
9/25/19 HW: pg S.48: 1,2,5
9/26/19 HW: finish review Mid Module Review
9/27/19 Mid-Module Test Lessons 1-10 IXL K.1 due
9/16/19 M1L5 HW: problem set 1-3 all parts
9/17/19 HW: pg S.28
9/18/19 HW: finish review packet Lessons 1-6 Review
9/19/19 Quiz Lessons 1-6 HW: IXL due tomorrow
9/20/19 IXL K.7 due at 5pm HW: pg S.32: 1-4
9/9/19 HW: finish problem solving worksheet Math 7 Problem Solving
9/10/19 Module 1 Lesson 1 HW: problem set 1-6 on separate paper
9/11/19 Lesson 2 HW: problem set 1-2
9/12/19 Module 1 Lesson 3 HW: 1-6 on separate paper
9/13/19 HW: pg S.19: 1-3 IXL J.5 due at 5 pm
Quiz on Lessons 1-6 next Thursday 9/19/19
9/4/19 First day of school
9/5/19 HW: Signed Course Expectations Math 7 Course Expectations
9/6/19 HW: Math supplies brought to class
6/10/19 HW: graded assignment due Tuesday
6/11/19 HW: none
6/12/19 HW; review packet
6/13/19 HW: none
6/14/19 HW: use study guides, book and IXL to study for the final
6/3/19 Presentations HW; none
6/4/19 Presentations HW: none
6/5/19 HW: start working on vocabulary for final exam
6/6/19 HW: percent worksheet
6/7/19 IXL AA.7 due Monday Volume and Surface Area review graded assignment due 6/11
5/28/19 HW: pg 635: 1-5
5/29/19 HW: pg 642: 1-4 pg 643: 1-4
5/30/19 HW: pg 657: 1-6
5/31/19 Projects due
5/20/19 HW: finish review worksheet from class if not done
5/22/19 Quiz
5/23/19 Retreat-no class
5/24/19 IXL W.3 due at 5 pm, Projects due 5/31
5/13/19 Probability and Statistics Unit Test Part I
5/14/19 Probability and Statistics Unit Test Part II
5/15/19 HW: pg 538: 1-4 pg 539: 1-3
5/17/19 IXL CC.1 due at 5 pm HW: back of worksheet 1-3
**Math Projects due Friday May 31st**
Quiz Wednesday 7-1 thru 7-3
5/6/19 HW: finish worksheet
5/7/19 HW: none
5/10/19 IXL DD.10
Probability and Statistics Unit Test Monday 5/13
4/29/19 HW: finish probability and statistics packet
5/1/19 HW: none
5/2/19 HW: pg 797: 1-7
5/3/19 IXL DD.4 due at 5 pm Project groups and topics due Wednesday 5/8
4/15/19 HW: pg 769: 1-6
4/16/19 HW: pg 779: 1-4, 7-10
4/17/19 HW: Have a great break! IXL due Friday
IXL DD.3 due 4/19 at 5 pm
4/8/19 HW: pg 724: 1-3 pg 725: 1-4
4/9/19 HW: pg 736: 1-2 pg 737: 1-4
4/10/19 HW: pg 760: 1-4 pg 761: 1-5
4/11/19 HW: pg 629: 22-24 pg 727: 10, 12 pg 739: 12 pg 740: 17-21
4/12/19 Quiz-Circles and Probability IXL T.7 due at 5pm
4/1/19 Quiz Inequalities
4/2/19 HW: pg 616: 1-6 pg 617: 1-6
4/3/19 HW: pg 626: 1-5 pg 627: 1-6
4/4/19 HW: worksheet
4/5/19 IXL T. 6 due at 5 pm
3/25/19 HW: worksheet #3, 5, 6, 7
3/26/19 HW: worksheet through #18
3/27/19 HW: finish inequality packet
3/28/19 HW: finish worksheet
3/29/19 Quiz Inequalities Monday 4/1 IXL S.7 due at 5 pm HW: finish worksheet
3/18/19 HW: back of worksheet
3/19/19 HW: worksheet
3/20/19 HW; worksheet
3/21/19 HW: worksheet
3/22/19 Quiz Equations: two-step, distributive, variables on both sides IXL S.6 due at 5 pm
3/11/19 HW: pg 472: 1-3 pg 473: 1-6
3/12/19 HW: two-step equation worksheet
3/13/19 Quiz HW: pg 443: 19-20 pg 453: 19-20, 22 pg 463:19-20 pg 475: 17-19
3/14/19 HW: finish IXL S.2 due tomorrow at 5pm
3/15/19 No school for students
3/4/19 HW: study for expressions test
3/5/19 Expressions test HW: none
3/6/19 HW: none
3/7/19 HW: pg 441: 1-6 pg 451: 1-6
3/8/19 IXL R.15 due HW: pg 460: 1-3 pg 461: 1-6
2/26/19 HW: Problem Set
2/27/19 HW: pg 418: 1-7, pg 419: 1-7
3/1/19 Expressions test Tuesday 3/5 IXL R.13 due today
2/11/19 HW: back of worksheet 1-15
2/12/19 HW: pg 398: 1-4 pg 399: 1-7
2/13/19 HW: pg 406: 1-2, pg 407: 1-6
2/14/19 HW: pg 401: 19-23, pg 409: 17-21
2/15/19 Quiz IXL R.4 due 2/18
2/4/19 HW: pg 352: 1-5, pg 353: 1-10
2/5/19 HW: back of worksheet
2/6/19 HW: pg 379: 1-12
2/7/19 HW: study for quiz, sections 5-1 through 5-4
2/8/19 Quiz IXL R.1 due Monday
1/21/19 No School
1/22/19 HW: Back of worksheet
1/23/19 HW: work on review packet and vocabulary
1/24/19 HW: study for Unit test
1/25/19 Unit #2 Test Part I (chapters 3 &4)
Part II on Monday 1/28/19 IXL due
1/14/19 HW: pg 295: 1-9
1/15/19 HW: pg 303: 1-9
1/16/19 HW: pg 314: 1-3, pg 315: 1-9
1/17/19 HW: pg 269: 27, 28, pg 277: 20, pg 289: 18-20, pg 297: 21,23, pg 305: 25,26 pg 317: 23, 24
1/18/19 Quiz: Rational Number Operations IXL H.4 due 1/22
Unit # 2 Test Friday 1/25/19
1/7/9 HW: study for integer test tomorrow
1/8/19 Integer Test HW: none
1/9/19 HW: pg 267: 1-15
1/10/19 HW: pg 275: 1-10
1/11/19 HW: pg 286: 1-6, pg 287: 1-6 IXL C.5 due Monday
1/2/19 HW: front and back of worksheet
1/3/19 No Class Field trip
1/4/19 IXL C.7 due Monday HW: pg 239: 24-32, pg 246; 4-6, pg 247: 9-12
Integer Test Tuesday 1/8
12/17/18 HW; finish front of worksheet
12/18/18 Review HW; back of worksheet
12/19/18 Quiz: add and subtract integers
12/20/18 Review
12/21/18 Early Dismissal-No Classes-Have a wonderful Christmas!
12/10/18 Review HW; Study for Chapter 2 Test
12/11/18 Chapter 2 Test Part I
12/12/18 Chapter 2 Test Part II
12/13/18 Add Integers HW: none
12/14/18 Add Integers HW: worksheet front and back
IXL L.9 due Monday
12/18 and 12/19/18 Common FDP quiz during lab
Quiz Integer operations 12/19
12/3/18 HW: shopping spree activity if not done in class
12/4/18 HW: pg 162: 2, pg 163: 5,6, pg 164: 9,10
12/5/18 HW: pg 147: 1-8
12/6/18 HW: pg 170: 1-2, pg 171: 1-6
12/7/18 IXL due M.5 HW: write out vocabulary/finish review sheet
Percent test Tuesday 12/11/18
11/26/18 Scale Drawing poster due tomorrow
11/27/18 HW: pg 155: 1-9
11/28/18 HW: front of worksheet
11/30/18 Quiz
next IXL M.6 due 12/3
11/13/18 HW: none
11/14/18 HW: pg 107: 1-10
11/15/18 HW: pg 107: 1-10
11/16/18 No quiz this week, quiz Tues 11/20 IXL due J.7, HW: pg 132: 1-3, pg 133: 1-6
11/5/18 Study for Unit #1 Test
11/6/18 No classes for students
11/7/18 Unit #1 Test Proportional Relationships Part I
11/8/18 Unit #1 Test Part II
11/9/18 Scale drawing Project-bring posterboard, sharpie marker and fun size candy wrapper to class
IXL K.8 due
next IXL J.7
10/29/18 Finish packet
10/30/18 HW: none
10/31/18 HW: none
11/1/18 HW: finish vocabulary, review packet 1-12
11/2/18 IXL K.7 due, no quiz this week. Unit test next week. You will need a poster board for an upcoming project
next weeks IXL K.8
10/22/18 Finish COP, intro to slope HW: none
10/23/18 Slope HW: worksheet
10/24/18 HW: finish slope worksheet
10/25/18 Study for Quiz: Proportional Relationships:Constant Rate of Change, COP, Slope, Unit Rate
10/26/18 Quiz IXL due K.2, next weeks IXL K.7
10/15/18 HW: none
10/16/18 HW: problem set 2-4
10/17/18 Review HW: finish prop rel review sheet
10/18/18 Quiz-Proportional Relationships
10/19/18 IXL due M.3 , next weeks IXL K.2
10/10/18 CROC HW: worksheet
10/11/18 Constant of Proportionality
10/12/18 No quiz this week, IXL K.1 due at 5pm
Next week's IXL topic is K.1 Find constant of proportionality from a table (hint: find unit rate) due 10/12
10/1/18 Group activity cont'd HW: none
10/2/18 Solve Proportions HW: pg 58: 1-3 pg 59: 1-3
10/3/18 Proportion Applications HW: finish worksheet
10/4/18 HW: pg 15: 18-21, pg 37: 1-3, pg 49: 1-2. pg 61: 17-20
10/5/18 Quiz Proportional Relationships/Unit Rate IXL K.6 due at 5 pm
IXL topic this week G.11 Multiply Fractions Word Problems
9/24/18 Prop Rel in a Table HW: problem set 1-8
9/25/18 Unit Rate activity HW; none
9/26/18 Proportional Rel on a graph HW: none
9/27/18 Group activity HW: IXL due Friday G.11 Multiply Fractions word problems
9/28/18 No classes for students, no quiz this week
Next weeks IXL topic K.6 Identify Proportional Relationships due 10/5/18
9/17/18 Dimensional Analysis Day 1 HW: none
9/18/18 Dimensional Analysis Day 2 HW: front of worksheet
9/19/19 Proportional Relationships HW: worksheet
9/20/18 Review HW: worksheet
9/21/18 Quiz Unit Rate, Convert Unit Rate, Proportional Relationships HW: none
9/10/18 1-1 Rates HW: pg 12: 1-2, pg 13: 1-8
9/11/18 1-2 Complex Fractions HW: pg 20: 1-3, pg 21:1-6
9/12/18 1-2 Complex Fractions and Unit Rate HW: worksheet
9/13/18 HW: finish review worksheet, study for quiz
9/14/18 Quiz HW: none
4/23/18 9-7 worksheet
4/24/18 10-1 HW: pg 797: 1-7
4/16/18 9-2 HW: pg 725: 1-4
4/17/18 9-3 and 9-5 HW: pg 737 ; 1-4, pg 761: 1-4
4/18/18 9-6 HW: pg 769: 1-6
4/19/18 HW: finish review stations
4/20/18 Quiz-Circles/Probability
4/9/18 Class time to work on projects due Tuesday 4/10
4/10/18 Circumference of a Circle HW: pg 616: 1-6 pg 617: 1-6
4/11/18 Area of a Circle HW: pg 626: 1-5, pg 627: 1-6
4/12/18 Simple Probability HW: worksheet
Dream Vacation projects due Tuesday April 10th
3/19/18 Math 7-2-step applications worksheet 7A-problem set #2,5,6,7,13
3/20/18 Math 7-problem set #2,3,5,6,7,13 Math 7A-finish problem set
3/21/18 Math 7-pg 492: 1-10 Math 7A pg 492: 1-10, pg 475: 22-23
3/12/18 Math 7: More two-step equations worksheet, Math 7A Multi-step equations worksheet front 1-10
3/13/18 Math 7: worksheet variables both sides Math 7A-worksheet application problems
3/14/18 Math 7-solve equations worksheet Math 7A-real life equations worksheet
3/15/18 Quiz Equations
3/16/18 Pi Day Celebration-bring in a circular treat to share with your class if you choose
No quiz this Friday
3/5/18 Quiz Equations
3/6/18 HW: back of worksheet
2/26/18 HW: none
2/27/18 Math 7: pg 441: 1-6, pg 451: 1-9 Math 7A Pg 441: 1-6, pg 451: 1-9, pg 461: 1-6
2/28/18 Math 7 pg 460: 1-3, pg 461: 1-6 Math 7A pg 472: 1-3, 473: 1-6
3/2/18 Snow Day!
2/12/18 Expressions with Rational Coefficients HW: problems a-d
2/13/18 Expression with Rational Coefficients
2/14/18 Review
2/15/18 Review Expressions HW: review packet #2, 3, 4
2/16/18 Test Expressions
2/5/18 Equivalent Expressions HW: problem set
2/6/18 HW: finish #2,3, 4 on problem set
2/7/18 Factor Expressions HW: pg 418: 1-8, pg 419: 1-7
2/8/18 Review Sheet
2/9/18 Quiz Field Trip IXL due Monday 2/12/18
Expressions Test Friday 2/16/18
1/29-2/2 Catholic Schools Week-No Homework
1/22/18 No Class Field Trip
1/23/18 HW: Back of worksheet 1-12
1/24/18 HW: pg 398:1-4, pg 399: 1-7
1/25/18 HW: pg 371: 1-4, pg 373: 17-19, pg 393: 22-24, pg 401: 18-23
1/26/18 Quiz-Simplifying Expressions and Properties
1/16/18 5-1 HW: pg 352: 1-5, pg 353: 1-10
1/17/18 5-3 HW: worksheet
1/18/18 HW: pg 379: 1-12
1/19/18 Quiz 5-1, 5-3, 5-4
1/22/18 IXL due
1/8/18 HW: pg 330: 1-3 pg 331: 1-6
1/9/18 HW: finish back of page 1 review packet, write out vocabulary words
1/10/18 HW: finish review packet/ study for Unit Test-study vocabulary, go through examples in chapters 3 and 4.
1/11/18 Unit #2 Test Part I HW: study for part II
1/12/18 Unit #2 Test Part II HW: work on IXL due 1/22
1/2/18 4-5 HW: pg 303: 1-9
1/3/18 HW: pg 314: 1-3, pg 315:1-9
1/4/18 HW: pg 323: 1-10
1/5/18 Snow Day!! Start your new IXL assignment
Unit #2 The Number System test next Thursday** (**change due to snow day)
12/18/17 HW: finish problem solving worksheet
12/19/17 Quiz: integer operations, evaluating expressions sections 4-1 through 4-4
12/20/17 Enjoy your break!
12/21/17 Early Dismissal 10:50am
12/11/17 Evaluate Algebraic Expressions HW: pg 239: 24-32, pg 246: 4-6, pg 247: 9-12
12/12/17 4-1 HW: pg 267:1-15
12/13/17 4-2 HW: pg 275: 1-10
12/14/17 4-3 HW: Back of worksheet
12/15/17 4-4 HW: pg 295: 1-9 No Quiz this week, quiz on Tuesday 12/19 IXL due Monday
12/4/17 Shopping Spree Activity
12/5/17 Add Integers HW: front of worksheet
12/6/17 Subtract Integers HW: front of worksheet
12/7/17 Multiply and Divide Integers HW: worksheet
12/8/17 Quiz Integer operations HW: work on IXL due 12/18
11/27/17 Original price HW: pg 162: 2, pg 163: 5,6 pg 164: 9,10 Scale drawing projects due tomorrow
11/28/17 Percent of Change HW: pg 147: 1-8
11/29/17 Simple Interest HW: pg 170: 1-2, pg 171: 1-8
11/30/17 Review HW: pg 149: 20, 21 pg 157: 19, 20, 22 pg 165: 17-19 pg 173: 20,22
12/1/17 Quiz 2-5 thru 2-8 IXL due Monday 12/4
11/20/17 Sales Tax, Tip, Markup HW: pg 155: 1-9
11/21/17 Discount HW: Back of worksheet 1-10
11/23/17 Happy Thanksgiving!
11/24/17 No School
11/13/17 Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Activity
11/14/17 2-3 Percent Proportion HW: pg 124: 1-3 pg 125: 1-6
11/15/17 2-4 HW: ph 132: 1-3 pg 133: 1-6
11/16/17 Review percent
11/17/17 Quiz 2-1 thru 2-4
11/06/17 Scale Drawing project
11/07/17 Scale Drawing project
11/08/17 2-1 HW: pg 107: 1-10
11/10/17 No School Veteran's Day
10/30/17 Proportional Relationship Review HW: write vocabulary definitions
10/31/17 Review
11/01/17 HW: finish review packet if not done in class
11/02/17 Proportional Relationship Unit Test Part I
11/03/17 Proportional Relationship Unit Test Part II New IXL due 11/20
11/06/17 Bring in candy wrapper and poster board to start Scale Drawing project
10/23/17 Intro to Scale Drawings HW: 1-10 on front of worksheet
10/24/17 Scale Drawing Applications HW: front page (1-4) and back page of packet, Bring in Barbie or GI Joe dolls if you own them, do not go out and buy one
10/25/17 Barbie Doll Lab HW: none
10/26/17 Finish Lab HW: IXL due Monday 10/30 No Quiz this week, Unit Test next Thursday November 2nd
10/27/17 No School Professional Development Day for Teachers
10/16/17 Slope HW: finish packet
10/17/17 Stations HW: none
10/18/17 HW: pg 61: 17-19, pg 69: 1-4, pg 77: 1-2, pg 85: 1-2
10/19/17 Quiz Proportional Relationships-proportions, CROC, COP, unit rate, slope
HW: work on IXL
10/20/17 Early dismissal Parent-teacher conferences
10/10/17 Constant Rate of Change HW: worksheet
10/11/17 Constant of Proportionality HW: problem set
10/12/17 Constant of Proportionality to Equations HW: problem set 1-5
10/13/17 Intro to Slope HW: IXL due Monday
10/2/17 Proportional Relationships Group Activity HW: start new IXL
10/3/17 Solve Proportions HW: pg 58: 1-3 pg 59: 1-3
10/4/17 Applications of Proportions HW: worksheet 1-5 front and back
10/5/17 Review HW: finish review packet if not completed in class
10/6/17 Quiz-proportional relationships HW: work on IXL
10/9/17 No School
9/25/27 Proportional Relationships HW: #1 and problem set
9/26/17 Prop Rel in a table HW: problem set 1-6
9/27/17 Prop Rel in a graph HW: problem set
9/28/17 Review Stations HW: IXL due Monday
9/29/17 Professional Development Day No classess - No quiz this week
**First IXL assignment due Monday 10/2
9/18/17 Intro to IXL first assignment due 10/2/17
9/19/17 Dimensional Analysis Day 1 HW: front of worksheet evens
9/20/17 Dimensional Analysis Day 2 HW: pg 28: 1,2 pg 29: 1, 2, 5
9/21/17 Review HW: pg 15: 18-20, pg 23: 22-25 pg 28: 1-4
9/22/17 Quiz-Unit Rate, Complex Fractions, Dimensional Analysis HW: work on IXL due 10/2
9/11/17 HW: finish expressions if not done in class. Students were given instructions on how to set up an online account for their textbooks. I encourage them to do so in order to have easy access to their book.
9/12/17 1-1 HW: pg 12: 1-4, pg 13: 1-6
9/13/17 1-2 HW: pg 20: 1-3 pg 21: 1-6
9/14/17 Finish Unit Rate and Complex Fractions worksheet
9/15/17 HW: none
9/6/17 First day of school-early dismissal
9/7/17 Sign Contract
9/8/17 Cheer on the Buffalo Bills!
6/5/17 HW: final exam vocabulary
6/6/17 Project presentations HW: MC study guide
5/30/17 Per 1 HW: pg 668: 2,3 pg 669: 3-5
Per 2 HW: worksheet
5/31/17 Per 1 HW: pg 681: 1-5
Per 2 HW: front of wksht
6/1/17 Per 1: finish problem solving worksheet
Per 2: study for linear equation quiz
6/2/17 Quiz Per 1 Volume and Surface Area
Quiz Per 2 Linear Equations
Project presentations start Tuesday in class
Final exams are less than a month away. Use IXL as a way to study!
5/15/17 Period 1 Cross-sections HW pg 596: 1-3 pg 597: 1-5
Period 2 Direct Variation HW; worksheet
5/16/17 Period 1: HW: pg 541: 19-24 pg 542: 25-27 pg 547: 1-7 pg 561: 16-22
Period 2 HW: Algebra pg 122: 5-9 pg 127: 3-7 pg 132: 3-5, 18, 19
5/17/17 HW: concept and group for project
5/18/17 Period 1 Quiz: classify triangles, find missing angles, comp/supp angles, cross-sections
Period 2: Quiz: comp/supp angles slope, ROC, y = mx
5/19/17 Retreat IXL due next Thursday May 25th
4/24/17 10-2, 10-3 HW: pg 805: 1-4 pg 817: 1-2
4/25/17 HW; Stats and Prob review 3-10
4/26/17 HW; finish stats and prob review packet
4/27/17 HW: finish review packet
4/28/17 Quiz: Stats and percent/proportion
4/18/17 HW; worksheet
4/19/17 Permutations HW: pg 769: 1-6
4/20/17 9-7 HW: pg 779: 1-10
4/21/17 IXL due at midnight Review sheet and pag 797: 1-7
4/3/17 No class-field trip
4/4/17 Theoretical vs. Experimental Probability HW: worksheet
4/5/17 Compound Events and Fundamental Counting Principle HW: pg 736: 1-4 pg 761: 1-6
4/6/17 Circle Review HW: finish packet
4/7/17 Quiz: circles and probability
3/27/17 Finish equations test HW: none
3/28/17 8-1 Circumference of a Circle HW: pg 616: 1-6 pg 617: 1-6
3/29/17 8-2 Area of a Circle HW: pg 626: 1-5 pg 627: 1-6
3/30/17 9-1 Simple Probability HW: front of worksheet
3/31/17 9-2 Experimental vs Theoretical Probability HW: none
3/20/17 HW: Work on Project and IXL
3/21/17 Two-step Inequalities HW: worksheet
3/22/17 Inequality Applications HW: finish worksheet
3/23/17 Review Equations HW: finish review packet
3/24/17 Test Equations HW: IXL due at midnight, project due Monday
3/13/17 Dream Vacation project assigned due 3/27, Assessment reflection due Wednesday
3/14/17 Snow Day
3/15/17 Snow Day
3/16/17 Intro to Inequalities with Add/Sub HW: finish worksheet
3/17/17 Inequalities with Multiply/divide HW: pg 509: 1-10
3/6/17 Solve equations with variables on both sides HW: worksheet
3/7/17 Write equations HW: problem set 1-6
3/8/17 Multi-step equations HW: period 1 none period 2 worksheet 1-8
3/9/17 Snow Day!
3/10/17 No School for students
2/27/17 Two-step equations with rational coefficient HW: front of worksheet 2-24 even
2/28/17 HW: solving equations with distributive worksheet
3/1/17 HW: equations worksheet
3/2/17 HW: write equations worksheet thru #10
3/3/17 Quiz equations IXL due Extra credit due Monday
2/13/17 Intro to Equations HW: none
2/14/17 7-1 and 7-2 HW: pg 441: 1-6 pg 451: 1-9
2/15/17 7-3 HW: pg 460: 1-3 pg 461: 1-6
2/16/17 7-4 HW: pg 472: 1-3 pg 473: 1-6
2/17/17 Quiz 7-1 thru 7-4 Next IXL assignment due 3/3/17 Work on it over the break.
2/6/17 Expressions Activity
2/7/17 Expressions Task Cards HW: Review packet 1-11
2/8/17 Review Expressions HW: Review packet 12-32
2/9/17 Expressions HW: finish review packet and additional two questions given in class
2/10/17 Expressions Test IXL due at midnight
1/30/17-2/6/17 Catholic Schools Week
1/23/17 Period 1 HW; pg 406: 1-4 pg 407: 1-6
Period 2 HW: problem set
1/24/17 Equivalent Expressions HW: # 1 b-f, #2 a-e, #5 all parts
1/25/17 Equivalent Expressions Period 1 HW: problem set 1) g - i, 2) c - g, 5) all parts
Period 2 HW: problem set #3 and 4
1/26/17 Factor Expressions HW: pg 401-402: 24-28, 409: 16-21
1/27/17 Quiz Add/Subtract/Equivalent Expressions
Welcome Back!
1/16/17 No School
1/17/17 5-5 Simplify Algebraic Expressions HW: back of worksheet
1/18/17 5-6 Add Algebraic Expressions HW: pg 398: 1-4, pg 399: 1-7
1/20/17 Quiz-Properties, Evaluating and Simplifying Expressions IXL due
1/9/17 Chapter 4 Test
1/10/17 HW: none
1/11/17 5-1 Algebraic Expressions HW: pg 352: 1-4 pg 353: 1-10
1/12/17 5-3 Properties HW: front and back of worksheet
1/13/17 5-4 Distributive Property HW: pg 379: 1-12
***IXL due January 20, 2017
1/3/17 4-6 Multiply Fractions HW: pg 315: 1-10
1/4/17 4-7 Conversions between systems HW: pg 322: 1-6 pg 323: 1-9
1/5/17 4-8 Divide Fractions HW; pg 330: 1-3 pg 331: 1-6
1/6/17 Review Chapter 4 HW: finish review sheet, study Chapter 4
1/9/17 Chapter 4 Test
12/12/16 4-2 Compare and Order Rational Numbers HW: pg 275: 1-10
12/13/16 4-3 Add and Subtract Like Fractions HW: pg 286:1-6 pg 287: 1-6
12/14/16 4-4 Add and Subtract Unlike Fractions HW: pg 295: 1-9
12/15/16 4-5 Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers HW: pg 303: 1-10
12/16/16 Problem Solving HW: study for quiz 4-1 thru 4-2 and Simple Interest
12/5/16 Evaluating Expressions HW: pg 239: 24-32 pg 246: 4-6 pg 247: 9-12
12/6/16 Review Integers HW: vocabulary and practice test
12/7/16 Review Integers HW: study for integer test
12/8/16 Chapter 3 Integer test NO calculators allowed
12/9/16 4-1 Terminating and Repeating Decimals HW: 267: 1-15
11/28/16 3-2 Add Integers HW: Back of worksheet
11/29/16 3-3 Subtract Integers HW: finish worksheet
11/30/16 3-4 and 3-5 Multiply and Divide Integers HW: finish worksheet left two columns on both sides
12/1/16 Review Integers HW: pg 253: 1-6 pg 255: 1-6
12/2/16 Quiz
11/21/16 2-8 Simple Interest HW: pg 170: 1-2 pg 171: 1-6
11/22/16 3-1 Integers and Absolute Value HW: pg 194:1-6 pg 195: 1-9, Reflection assignment
11/23/16 Review HW: none
11/24 and 11/25 No School Happy Thanksgiving!
11/14/16 2-6 Sales tax, tip, markup HW: pg 155: 1-9
11/15/16 2-7 HW: pg 162:1 pg 163: 1-4,6
11/16/16 2-7 Finding original price HW: pg 162: 2 pg 163: 5 pg 164: 12
11/17/16 Review HW: pg 135:23-25, pg 149: 19-21 pg 157: 18-20 pg 165: 18-19
11/18/16 Quiz 2-4 through 2-7 Scale Drawing projects due on Monday!!
11/7/16 The Percent Equation HW: pg 132: 1-3 pg 133: 1-6
11/8/16 Shortened Classes
11/9/16 2-4 Percent of Change HW: pg 146:1-3 pg 147: 1-6
11/10/16 Class time to work on Scale Drawing Project HW: continue to work on projects due 11/21
11/11/16 Veteran's Day-No School
10/31/16 Work on Scale Drawing Project due 11/21
11/1/16 2-2 Percent and Estimation HW: pg 114: 1-7 pg 115: 1-3
11/2/16 2-3 Percent Proportion HW: pg 124:1-3 pg 125: 1-6
11/3/16 Problem Solving HW: pg 109: 32-35, pg 117: 23,26,27 pg 125: 7-10
11/4/16 Quiz 2-1 through 2-3 HW: IXL due Monday
10/24/16 Review Ratios and Proportional Relationships HW: vocabulary
10/25/16 Review Ratios and Proportional Relationships HW: finish review packet, practice extra problems from book and IXL
10/26/16 Unit #1 Test
10/27/16 Finish Unit #1 Test
10/28/16 2-1 Percent of a Number HW: pg 107: 1-10 bring in fun size candy wrapper and poster board to start scale drawing project
10/17/16 Intro to Scale Drawings HW: worksheet
10/18/16 Scale Drawing Problem Solving HW: worksheet, bring in Barbie, GI Joe, Monster High or Action figures for lab on Wednesday
10/19/16 Scale Model Lab HW: none
10/20/16 Final Scale Model Lab, Review Proportions HW: finish worksheet
1021/16 Shortened Classes 10:50 am dismissal HW: work on IXL
10/11/16 1-8 Slope HW: pg 76:1-2, pg 77: 1-3
10/12/16 Writing Equations HW: #2,3 on problem set
10/13 Review HW: review for quiz pg 59: 5-8, pg 71: 11-13 pg 79: 9-11
10/14 Quiz, IXL due
10/3/16 Constant of proportionality HW: problem set
10/4/16 Writing Equations HW: problem set
10/5/16 Slope HW; none
10/6/16 Review Proportional Relationships HW: finish study guide
10/7/16 Quiz HW: work on IXL due 10/14
Students will be introduced to IXL during Math Lab on Thursday. It is a website in which students can reinforce skills learned in class. Students will be required to complete an assignment every two weeks. Students should do a little each night. Ask your child about it!
9/26/16 Exploratory Activity with Proportional Relationships HW: none
9/27/16 Solve Proportions HW: pg 58: 1-3 pg 59: 1-3
9/28/16 1-7 Constant Rate of Change HW: pg 68: 1-3 pg 69: 1-3
9/29/16 Problem Solving HW: practice on IXL
9/30/16 No School-Enjoy your day off!
9/19/16 Proportional Relationships HW: problem set
9/20/16 Proportional and Non-proportional Relationships in Tables HW: problem set 1-9
9/21/16 Proportional and Non-proportional Relationships in Graphs HW: problem set
9/22/16 Review HW: Study for quiz tomorrow-Unit Rate, Conversions, Proportional Relationships on tables and graphs
9/23/16 Quiz HW: none
9/12/16 1-1 Unit Rate HW: pg 12: 1-3, pg 13: 1-6
9/13/16 1-2 Complex Fractions and Unit Rate HW: pg 20: 1-3 pg 21: 1-8
9/14/16 Weona Field Trip
9/15/16 1-3 Conversions HW: back of worksheet 1-20
9/16/16 Dimensional Analysis HW: back of worksheet
9/7/16 First Day of School-Shortened Classes
9/8/16 Course Expectations and Procedures HW: Signed Contract
9/9/16 Pre-Assessment HW: Root for the Bills!!
5/31/16 Ratios and Proportions Review HW; work on project
6/1/16 Percent Activity HW: work on project
6/2/16 Finish percent activity, review HW: pg 15: 18,19, pg 23: 24,26, pg 39: 12, pg 59: 4, pg 181: 1-4
6/3/16 Quiz- Unit 1 Ratios and Proportions
6/6/16 Projects due
5/23/16 Review Rational Numbers HW; finish worksheet
5/24/16 1st Quarter Review HW: finish packet
5/25/16 Work on group projects
5/26/16 Retreat
5/27/16 Pastor's Holiday
5/16/16 8-6 Surface Area of Prisms HW: pg 668: 1, pg 669: 1,2
5/17/16 8-6 Surface Area of Prisms cont'd HW: pg 668:2-3, pg 669: 3-5
5/18/16 8-7 Surface Area of Pyramids HW: worksheet
5/19/16 Review
5/20/16 Quiz Volume and Surface Area
5/9/16 8-3 Composite Area HW: pg 635: 1-5, geometry review sheet
5/10/16 8-4 Volume of Rectangular and Triangular Prisms HW: pg 642: 1-4, pg 643: 1-2
5/11/16 Field Trip
5/12/16 8-5 Volume of Pyramids HW: pg 656: 1-6
5/13/16 Review HW; start to think about concept for video project
5/2/16 7-2 Complementary and Supplementary Angles HW: pg 547: 1-10
5/3/16 7-3 Classify Triangles HW: pg 559: 1-8
5/4/16 Basic Area HW: finish worksheet
5/5/16 Review 7-1, 7-2, 7-3 HW; review sheet
5/6/16 Quiz HW; Geometry Review sheet due Tuesday
4/18/16 10-3 Misleading Graphs and Statistics HW: pg 816: 1-4
4/19/16 10-4 Measures of Variation HW: worksheet front 1,3,4 back #2 on separate paper
4/20/16 10-4 Measures of Variation cont'd HW: none
4/21/16 10-4 Compare Populations HW: pg 833: 1-3
4/22/16 10-5 Select an Appropriate Display HW: pg 842:1-2 pg 843:1-3
**Unit Test Statistics and Probability next Wednesday April 26th**
Study vocabulary, look over review sheet and practice extra problems out of your book! Review will be given out Monday
4/11/16 Review HW; finish packet
4/12/16 Review HW; none
4/13/16 Review HW: 4,5,6 on short answer packet
4/4/16 10-1 Make Predictions HW: pg 797: 1-7
4/5/16 10-2 Unbiased and Biased Surveys HW; pg 804: 1-3 pg 805: 1-3
4/6/16 Review Probability and Statistics HW: none
4/7/16 Review Probability and Statistics HW: finish review packet
4/8/16 10:50 am Dismissal HW: take home quiz
3/29/16 9-5 Fundamental Counting Principle HW: pg 761: 1-7
3/30/16 9-6 Permutations HW: pg 769: 1-6
3/31/16 9-7 Independent and Dependent Events HW: 9g 778: 1-4, 779: 1-10 skip 6
04/01/16 HW: review assignment
3/14/16 Pi Day Celebration! 8-1 Circumference of a Circle HW: pg 616: 1-5 pg 617: 1-6
3/15/16 8-2 Area of a Circle HW: pg 626: 1-4 pg 627: 1-6
3/16/16 9-2 Theoretical vs Experimental Probability HW: pg 724: 1-3 pg 725: 1-2
3/17/16 9-3 Probability of Compound Events
3/18/16 Quiz
Easter Break 3/21-3/28/16 Happy Easter and enjoy your break!
3/7/16 Unit 3 Test
3/8/16 Unit 3 Test
3/9/16 9-1 Simple Probability HW: back of worksheet 1-11
3/11/16 Early Dismissal Shortened classes
3/14/16 Pi Day!!
2/29/16 6-7 One Step Inqualities with Multiplying and Dividing HW: pg 509: 1-13
3/1/16 Two-Step Inequalities HW: finish front of wksht, back of wksht 1-8
3/2/16 Problem Solving w/ Inequalities HW: finish wksht
3/3/16 Review Unit 3 Expressions and Equations HW: finish project
3/4/16 Review Unit 3 Projects due HW; finish review packet, study for unit test including vocabulary
3/7/16 Unit #3 Test
2/22/16 Write and Solve Two-step equations HW: worksheet
2/23/16 Class time to work on projects due March 4th HW: work on projects
2/24/16 6-5 Two-step equations with rational coefficients HW: worksheet
2/25/16 6-6 Inequalities with Addition and Subtraction HW: worksheet
2/26/16 Quiz Equations and One-step Inequalities HW: work on your project that is due next Friday March 4th
2/8/16 7-4 Two-step equations HW: worksheet
2/9/16 7-4 Two-step equations with decimals and fractions HW: pg 473: 1-10
2/10/16 7-5 Two-step equations with Distributive Property HW: worksheet
2/11/16 Review Equations HW: pg 463: 16-20, 475: 17-21, 487: 15-17 Project assigned-due March 4th, get a start on it over the break.
2/12/16 Quiz Equations HW: work on project
2/1/16 7-3 Equations with Rational Coefficients
2/2/16 Mini Quiz One-Step Equations Practice Eq. with Rat Coeff.
2/3/16 Go over Chapter 6 Test, Start Partner Activity
2/4/16 Work on Partner Activity Solving Equations with Rational Coefficients
2/5/16 7-4 Two Step Equations
1/25/16 Expressions Extension HW: Problem Set 1-4
1/26/16 Review Chapter 5 HW: Finish Review packet
1/27/16 Chapter 5 test HW: none
1/28/16 Intro to Equations HW: Expressions review sheet
1/29/16 6-1 and 6-2 One-step equations HW: pg 441: 1-6 pg 451: 1-6 Show your check!
1/18/16 No School MLK Holiday
1/19/16 5-6 Add Linear Expressions HW: pg 398: 1-4 pg 399: 1-6
1/20/16 5-7 Subtract Linear Expressions HW: pg 406: 1-2, pg 407: 1-6 Due to the Generations Mass period 1 has homework today, period 2 will have the same homework on Thursday.
1/21/16 See Wednesday
1/22/16 5-8 Factor Linear Expressions HW: pg 418: 1-6, pg 419: 1-6
Chapter Test Next Wednesday 1/27/16
1/11/16 5-5 Simplify Algebraic Expressions HW: Back of worksheet
1/12/16 Algebraic Expressions Activity
1/13/16 Review Simplifying Expressions HW: pg 355: 21-24, pg 363: 16, 17, pg 373: 17-19, pg 381: 28-30, pg 393: 22-24
1/14/16 Quiz Chapter 5 5-1 through 5-5
1/15/16 Half day-shortened classes
1/4/16 Review Percent face activity
1/5/16 5-1 Algebraic Expressions HW: pg 352: 1-4 pg 353: 1-10
1/6/16 5-2 Sequences HW: pg 360: 1-5 pg 361: 1-6
1/7/16 5-3 Properties HW: front and back of worksheet
1/8/16 5-4 Distributive Property HW: pg 379: 1-12
12/21/15 Review 4-5 through 4-8 HW: pg 305: 26, 27, pg 317: 23-25, pg 325: 27-29, pg 333: 17-19
12/22/15 Quiz 4-5 through 4-8
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
12/14/15 Coordinate Plane Christmas Activity HW: none
12/15/15 4-5 Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers HW: pg 303: 1-9
12/16/15 4-6 Multiply Fractions HW: pg 314: 1-3, pg 315: 1-9
12/17/15 4-7 Convert Between Systems HW: pg 323: 1-9
12/18/15 4-8 Divide Fractions HW: pg 330: 1-3 pg 331: 1-6
12/21/15 Review
12/22/15 Quiz
12/7/15 4-1 and 4-2 Terminating and Repeating Decimals, Compare and Order Rational Numbers HW: pg 267: 2-14 even pg 275: 1-7
12/8/15 4-3 Add and Subtraction Like Fractions HW: pg 286: 1-6 pg 287: 1-6
12/9/15 4-4 Add and Subtract Unlike Fractions HW: pg 295: 1-9
12/10/15 Problem Solving HW: pg 277: 18-21, 289: 15-18, pg 297: 19-22
12/11/15 Quiz 4-1 to 4-4 HW: none
Monday 11/30/15 3-3 Subtract Integers HW: worksheet
Tuesday 12/1/15 3-4 and 3-5 Multiply and Divide Integers HW: worksheet first two left columns front and back
Wednesday 12/2/15 Evaluating Expressions HW: pg 239: 24-32, pg 246: 4-6, pg 247: 9-12
Thursday 12/3/15 Review HW: finish practice test and study vocabulary, practice integer rules
Friday 12/4/15 Integer Test, Notebook Check
Monday 11/23/15 3-1 Integers and Absolute Value HW: pg 194: 1-6, pg 195: 1-9
Tuesday 11/24/15 3-2 Add Integers HW: front of worksheet
Wednesday 11/25/15 Black Friday activity HW: finish worksheet if not completed in class
Thursday 11/26/15 Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday 11/16/15 Real life applications for discount HW: complete vocabulary
Tuesday 11/17/15 Review Chapter 2 HW: front of practice test
Wednesday 11/18/15 Review Chapter 2 HW: back of practice test, study
Thursday 11/19/15 Chapter 2 Test HW: work on project
Friday 11/20/15 3-1 Absolute Value HW: Work on project Scale Drawing project
Monday 11/23/15 Scale Drawing Project due
Monday 11/9/15 Quiz 2-3 to 2-5 Percent problems and percent of change
Tuesday 11/10/15 2-6 Sales tax, tip, markups HW: pg: 154:1-4, pg 155: 1-4
Wednesday 11/11/15 Veteran's Day-no school
Thursday 11/12/15 2-7 Discount HW: pg 162: 1-2, pg 163: 1-4
Friday 11/13/15 2-8 Simple Interest HW: pg 170: 1-2, pg 171: 1-6
**Chapter 2 Test Percents next Thursday 11/19/15
Monday 11/2/15 2-3 The Percent Proportion HW: pg 124: 1-3, pg 125: 1-6
Tuesday 11/3/15 No School Professional Development for teachers
Wednesday 11/4/15 2-4 The Percent Equation HW: pg 132: 1-3, pg 133: 1-6
Thursday 11/5/15 2-5 Percent of Change HW: pg 146: 1-3, pg 147: 1-6
Friday 11/6/15 Percent problem solving HW: pg 127: 21-24, pg 135: 24-26, pg 149: 19-21
*Quiz Monday 2-3 to 2-5
Monday 10/26/15 The class time will be used to get started on your Scale Drawing Project
Tuesday 10/27/15 2-1 Percent of a Number HW: pg 107: 1-9
Wednesday 10/28/15 2-2 Percent and Estimation HW: pg 114: 1-7, pg 115: 1-6
Thursday 10/29/15 Percent problems with tape diagrams HW: finish worksheet, pg 109:27-30, pg 117: 23-26
Friday 10/30/15 Quiz
Monday 10/19/15 Review Ratios and Proportional Relationships HW: complete vocabulary
Tuesday 10/20/15 Review Ratios and Proportional Relationships HW: finish review packet
Wednesday 10/21/15 Unit Test Ratios and Proportional Relationships HW: notebooks will be collected tomorrow, make sure they are complete
Thursday 10/22/15 HW: Graded Review Assignment, bring in poster board and candy wrapper for scale drawing project
Friday 10/23/15 Parent Teacher Conferences Shortened Schedule
Scale Drawing Project assigned
Monday 10/12/15 Columbus Day
Tuesday 10/13/15 1-3 Dimensional Analysis HW pg 28: 1-4, pg 29: 1-3
Wednesday 10/14/15 Intro to Scale Drawings HW; none
Thursday 10/15/15 Scale Drawings HW: front of worksheet 2-10
Friday 10/16/15 Scale Drawing in Class Activity HW: back of worksheet
Unit Test next Wednesday
Bring in a candy wrapper and poster board next Friday October 23rd
Monday 10/5/15 Slope 1-8 HW: back of worksheet
Tuesday 10/6/15 1-2 Complex Fractions and Unit Rate HW: pg 20: 1-4, pg 21: 1-6
Wednesday 10/7/15 1-3 Convert Unit Rates HW: back of worksheet
Thursday 10/8/15 Review and Problem Solving HW: pg 23: 23-26, pg 24: 35-37, pg 76: 1,2 pg 77:1
Friday 10/9/15 Quiz 1-2, 1-3, 1-8 HW: none
Monday 9/28/15 Constant Rate of Change HW: pg 68: 1-3, pg 69: 1-4
Tuesday 9/29/15 Constant of Proportionality HW: Problem Set
Wednesday 9/30/15 Writing Equations HW: problem set 1-5
Thursday 10/1/15 Interpreting Graphs of Proportional Relationships HW: problem set 1-4
Friday 10/2/15 Quiz/Preliminary Notebook Check I will be collecting and reviewing your notebooks. Please ensure that they are up to date. HW: none
Monday 9/21/15 Identify proportional and non-proportional relationships in graphs HW: problem set
Tuesday 9/22/15 Explore proportional and non-proportional relationships HW: none
Wednesday 9/23/15 Proportions HW: pg 58:1-3, pg 59: 1-3 show your check
Thurday 9/24/15 Review unit rate and proportional relationships HW: finish review packet
Friday 9/25/15 Quiz Ratios, Unit Rate, Proportional Relationships HW: none
Wednesday September 9-Welcome Back
Thursday September 10-HW: Signed contract by student and parent/guardian, 3 personal goals for math class this year.
Friday September 11-Pre-assessment HW: Cheer for the Buffalo Bills!
Monday September 14-Ratios_Rates_Unit Rate HW: pg 12:1-3 pg 13:1-6
Tuesday September 15-Proportional Relationships HW: problem set
Wednesday September 16- Weona Field Trip
Thursday September 17-Identifiy Proportional and non-proportional relationships in tables HW: worksheet
Friday September 18-Problem Solving HW: Enjoy your weekend!
1) A 16) J
2) F 17) C
3) D 18) G
4) H 19) B
5) C 20) H
6) H 21) B
7) C 22) G
8) G 23) C
9) B 24) H
10) F 25) C
11) A 26) H
12) H 27) D
13) C 28) J
14) G 29) B
15) A 30) G
Go back over your study guides and go to bed early. You will do awesome! Looking forward to next year when you are in 8th grade, have a great summer!
Monday 6/8/15 Final Exam Review HW: study for perfect squares quiz tomorrow
Tuesday 6/9/15 Final Exam Review HW: MC review packet
Wednesday 6/10/15
Thursday 6/11/15
Friday 6/12/15
Monday 6/1/15 Review Rational Numbers HW: worksheet
Tuesday 6/2/15 Review Rational Numbers HW: worksheet
Wednesday 6/3/15 Review HW: pg 37: 1-3, pg 40: 14 and 15, pg 58: 1-5
Thursday 6/4/15 Review Ratios/Proportional Relationships/Rational Numbers HW: finish questions from class
Friday 6/5/15 Quiz Ratios/Proportional Relationships/Rational Numbers
Tuesday 5/26/15 Projects due Review S.A. of a Rectangular Prism HW: finish worksheet
Wednesday 5/27/15 Presentations/Review HW: S.A. of a Triangular Prism worksheet
Thursday 5/28/15 Presentations/Review
Friday 5/29/15 Quiz Geometry
Monday 5/18/15 8-6 Surface area of a rectangular prism HW: pg 668:1, pg 669: 1-3
Tuesday 5/19/15 8-6 Con't Surface area of a triangular prism HW: finish worksheet from class
Wednesday 5/20/15 8-7 Surfacea area of a pyramid HW: pg 680 : 1, pg 681: 1-3
Thursday 5/21/15 Review HW: projects due Tuesday 5/26/15 Class presentations will begin Wednesday 5/27/15
Friday 5/22/15 No School-Pastor's Holiday
Monday 5/11/15 8-4 Volume of Prisms HW: pg 642: 1-4, pg 643: 1-4
Tuesday 5/12/15 8-5 Volume of Pyramids HW: pg 657: 1-6
Wednesday 5/13/15 Field Trip
Thursday 5/14/15 Problem Solving Volume HW: finish problems from class if not done
Friday 5/15/15 Quiz Composite Area and Volume Rough draft for projects due
Monday 5/4/15 Area of shapes HW: worksheet
Tuesday 5/5/15 Discuss math projects HW: choose a topic to be approved for project
Wednesday 5/6/15 Class time to plan out project
Thursday 5/7/15 8-3 Composite Area
Friday 5/8/15 Religion Retreat No class
Monday 4/27/15 Classify Angles HW: pg 539: 1-11
Tuesday 4/28/15 7-2 Complementary and Supplementary Angles HW: pg 547: 1-10
Wednesday 4/29/15 7-3 Triangles HW: pg 558: 1-4, pg 559: 1-8
Thursday 4/30/15 Review In-class and HW: pg 541-542: 19-23, 25, 26, pg 549: 16-21, pg 550: 23, 24 pg 561: 16-22 Show all of your work and make an answer key
Friday 5/1/15 Quiz
Monday 4/20/15 HW: Finish Multiple Choice Questions. Show your work, where applicable.
4/21-4/24 No Homework The State Tests are over. I know that you all did your best and I'm sure that you did awesome. Next week we look towards the final weeks of the school year!
Tuesday 4/7/15 Ratio and Proportion review
Wednesday 4/8/15 Circle Review
Thursday 4/9/15 Percent review Study your review packets from this week, your quiz tomorrow will be on this material.
Friday 4/10/15 Quiz
State Math Assessments are April 22,23,24. The concepts that we reviewed this week should be mastered. If you need additional help, please come and see me.
Monday 3/23/15 10-3 Misleading Graphs and Statistics HW: pg 816: 2-3, pg 817: 1-3
Tuesday 3/24/15 10-4 Compare Populations HW: worksheet #3, 4 front, #1 back on separate paper
Wednesday 3/25/15 10-4 Compare Populations continued HW: #1 on front of worksheet
Thursday 3/26/15 Problem solving and review HW: review packet
Friday 3/27/15 Quiz Statistics and Probability HW: none Enjoy your break!
Monday 3/16/15 10-1 Make Predictions HW: pg 797: 1-7
Tuesday 3/17/15 10-2 Unbiased and Biased samples HW: pg 804: 2,3 pg 805: 1-4
Wednesday 3/18/15 Problem solving-Probability and Statistics HW: finish review packet
Thursday 3/19/15 Quiz Probability and Statistics HW: none
Friday 3/20/15 No School Staff Development
Monday 3/9/15 9-4 Simulations HW: pg 745: 1-5
Tuesday 3/10/15 9-5 Fundamental Counting Principle HW: pg 760: 1-3, pg 761: 1-5
Wednesday 3/11/15 9-6 Permutations HW: pg 768: 1-3, pg 769: 1-6
Thursday 3/12/15 9-7 Independent and Dependent events HW: pg 779: 1-10
Friday 3/13/15 Pi Day Celebration! HW: graded assignment
Monday 3/2/15 9-1 Probability of Simple Events HW: pg 714: 1-4, pg 715: 1-5
Tuesday 3/3/15 9-2 Intro to Theoretical and Experimental Probability HW: pg 724: 1-3, pg 725: 1-2
Wednesday 3/4/15 9-3 Probability of Compound Events HW: pg 737: 1-6
Thursday 3/5/15 Review Probability and problem solving HW: finish review sheet
Friday 3/6/15 Quiz 9-1 - 9-3 HW: none
Monday 2/23/15 Snow Day!
Tuesday 2/24/15 Finish Unit Test HW: Fraction Decimal Percent review worksheet
Wednesday 2/25/15 8-1 Circumference of a Circle HW: pg 616: 1-5, pg 617: 1-6
Thursday 2/26/15 8-2 Area of a Circle HW: pg 626: 1-3, pg 627: 1-6
Friday 2/27/15 Review Activity HW: pg 520: 25-34 Include an answer key and show all work including multiple choice questions.
Monday 2/9/15 Writing Equations HW: pg 475: 22,23, pg 476: 24, 25 pg 525: 1-4
Tuesday 2/10/15 Writing Inequalities HW: worksheet
Wednesday 2/11/15 Review for Unit Test HW: Finish review packet and Study!
Thursday 2/12/15 Unit Test Expressions and Equations
Friday 2/13/15
Monday 2/2/15 Ground Hog's Day-Six more weeks of winter!
Snow Day!
Tuesday 2/3/15 6-6 Solve Inequalities with addition and subtraction HW: pg 500: 1-2 pg 501: 1-8
Wednesday 2/4/15 6-7 Solve Inequalities by multiplication or division HW: pg 509:1-9
Thursday 2/5/15 6-8 Solve two-step inequalities HW; back of worksheet 1-8
Friday 2/6/15 Quiz HW: Review questions
Unit #3 Test next Thursday Expressions and Equations
Monday 1/26/15 6-4 Two-step equations HW: pg 473: 1-6, 8-10
Tuesday 1/27/15 6-5 More two-step equations HW: pg 485: 1-6
Wednesday 1/28/15 Equations with variables on both sides HW: worksheet
Thursday 1/29/15 Review HW: pg 463 17, 20 pg 475 19, 20 pg 487 17,18
Friday 1/30/15 Quiz Equations HW: none
Monday 1/19/15 No School
Tuesday 1/20/15 Mid-term Part I Multiple Choice HW: check your answers to the Mid-term part II short answers by clicking on the link below
Wednesday 1/21/15 Mid-term Part II Short Answer HW: none
Thursday 1/22/15 6-1 and 6-2 One-Step Equations HW: pg 441: 1-6 pg 451: 1-9
Friday 1/13/15 6-3 Equations with Rational Coefficients HW: pg 460:1-3, pg 461:-6
Monday 1/12/15 5-7 Subtract Linear Expressions HW: pg 406: 1-3, pg 407: 1-7
Tuesday 1/13/15 No Class Bandits Assembly
Wednesday 1/14/15 5-8 Factor Linear Expressions HW: pg 418:1-6, pg 419: 1-7
Thursday 1/15/15 Review for Mid-term HW: finish multiple choice of mid-term review packet 1-30
Friday 1/16/15 Review for Mid-term
A cumulative mid-term is scheduled for next Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday is Part I multiple choice, Wednesday is Part II short answer. The mid-term will be material from Chapters 1-5. Study the examples on the study guide and go back through your book for additional examples. If you practice examples like the ones I model in class and are on the study guide, you will do great.
Answer Key for Midterm Review **
**the answers to 36 and 46 were inadvertently left off
36) 58 x .20 = $11.60
46) Sandy $41.99, Sarah $44.99, Sandy got the better deal
Welcome Back! Happy New Year!
Monday 1/5/15 5-5 Simplify Algebraic Expressions HW: pg 390: 1-3 , pg 391: 1-7
Tuesday 1/6/15 5-6 Add Linear Expressions HW: pg 398: 1-3 pg 399: 1-7
Wednesday 1/7/15 5-7 Snow day
Thursday 1/8/15 5-8 Snow day
Friday 1/9/15 Snow day
Monday 12/15/14 Properties of Operations HW: pg 371: 1-10, pg 379: 2-12 even
Tuesday 12/16/14 Expressions HW: problem set
Wednesday 12/17/14 Expressions cont'd HW: problem set
Thursday 12/18/14 Quiz Expressions HW: Have a great Christmas!
Friday 12/19/14
Monday 12/8/14 4-7 Convert between Systems HW: pg 322: 1-6, pg 323: 1-9
Tuesday 12/9/14 4-8 Divide Fractions HW: pg 330: 1-3, pg 331: 1-6
Wednesday 12/10/14 Review Unit #2 HW: finish review sheet
Thursday 12/11/14 Unit # 2 Test HW: none
Friday 12/12/14 5-1 Algebraic Expressions pg 352: 1-3, pg 353: 1-9
Monday 12/1/14 4-4 Add/Subtract Unlike Fractions HW: pg 295: 1-9
Tuesday 12/2/14 4-5 Add/Subtract Mixed Numbers Extra Credit Assignment due HW: pg 303: 1-9
Wednesday 12/3/14 4-6 and 4-7 Multiply Fractions Writing Assignment due HW: pg 314: 1-3, pg 315: 1-9
Thursday 12/4/14 Review HW: pg 277: 20, pg 289: 16, 18, 20, pg 297: 21-23, pg 305: 21,24, pg 317: 19, 20
Friday 12/5/14 Quiz Chapter 4
Monday 11/24/14 4-1and 4-2 Terminating and Repeating Decimals/Order Rational Numbers HW: pg 267: 2-14 even, pg 275: 1-7
Tuesday 11/25/14 4-2 Add/Subtract Like Fractions HW: pg 286: 1-6, pg 287: 1-6
Wednesday 11/26/14 Writing Assignment due Wednesday December 3rd
Thursday 11/27/14 Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday 11/28/14 No School
**Extra credit due Tuesday December 2nd
Monday 11/17/14 3-3 Subtract Integers HW: pg 218: 1-4 pg 219: 1-12
Tuesday 11/18/14 3-4 and 3-5 Multiply and Divide Integers HW: pg 239:17-32, pg 247: 1-12
Wednesday 11/19/14 Practice Integer Operations HW: Integer Operations worksheet
Thursday 11/20/14 Problem Solving HW: pg 255: 1-6
Friday 11/21/14 Quiz-Integer Operations HW: none
Monday 11/10/14 Review Percents HW: Practice test
Tuesday 11/11/14 No School Veteran's Day
Wednesday 11/12/14 Review HW: pg 93: 3, 5 pg 140: 2-9, pg 181: 3-6
Thursday 11/13/14 Test Percents HW: none
Friday 11/14/14 Absolute value/Add integers
Monday 11/3/14 Sales Tax, Tip, Markup HW: pg 154: 1-4, pg 155: 1-4
Tuesday 11/4/14 Discount HW pg 162: 1-2, pg 163: 1-4
Wednesday 11/5/14 Simple Interest HW: pg 170: 1-2, pg 171:1-6
Thursday 11/6/14 Problem Solving HW: pg 157: 19-22, pg 165: 18-20, pg 173: 20-22
Friday 11/7/14 Middle School Field Trip to Fort Niagara
Unit #1 Test next Thursday 11/14/14
Monday 10/27/14 3-3 Percent Proportion HW: pg 124: 1-3, pg 125: 1-6
Tuesday 10/28/14 The Percent Equation HW: pg 132: 1-5, pg 133: 1-6
Wednesday 10/29/14 Percent of Change HW: pg 146: 1-3, pg 147: 1-6
Thursday 10/30/14 Problem Solving/Review HW: pg 127: 21-24, pg 135: 24-26, pg 149: 19-21
Friday 10/31/14 Quiz
Scale Drawing Project due Monday November 3, 2014
Monday 10/20/14 Scale Drawing Project
Tuesday 10/21/14 2-1 Percent of a number HW: pg 106:1-3 pg 107: 1-9
Wednesday 10/22/14 2-2 Percent/Estimation HW: pg 114: 1-7, pg 115: 1-6
Thursday 10/23/14 Solve Percent Problems using a Tape Diagram HW: Finish worksheet and pg 109: 27-30, pg 117: 23-26
Friday 10/24/14 Quiz 2-1-2-3 HW: work on scale drawing project
Tuesday 10/14/14 Review Scale Drawings HW: finish worksheet
Wednesday 10/15/14 Review Ratios &; Proportional Relationships HW: Finish review packet
Thursday 10/16/14 Test Ratios &; Proportional Relationships HW: none
Friday 10/17/14 Review Multiplication Facts HW: bring in a candy wrapper and a poster board (hint: the bigger the wrapper, the better) Dismissal 10:50 am Shortened Classes
Monday 10//6/14 Intro to Scale Drawings HW: wksht
Tuesday 10/7/14 Unit Rate as a Scale Factor HW: worksheet
Wednesday 10/8/14 Computing Actual Lengths from Scale Factors HW: worksheet front only
Thursday 10/9/14 Constructing Scale Drawings Class Activity HW: back of worksheet
Friday 10/10/14 Quiz HW: Ratio/rate review questions
No School on Monday 10/13, Parent-Teacher Conferences Friday 10/17 12-5 10:50 dismissal
Monday 9/29/14 Unit Rate as a Constant of Proportionality HW: worksheet
Tuesday 9/30/14 Proportional Relationships w/ Equations HW: worksheet
Wednesday 10/1/14 Interpreting Graphs of Proportional Relationships HW: finish packet
Thursday 10/2/14 Problem Solving HW: take home quiz due Monday, enjoy your day off!
Friday 10/3/14 No School
Monday 9/22/14 Solve Proportions 1-6 HW: pg 58: 1-3, pg 59: 1-5
Tuesday 9/23/14 Rate of Change 1-7 HW: back of worksheet
Wednesday 9/24/14 Slope 1-8 HW: back of worksheet
Thursday 9/25/14 Problem Solving & Review HW: pg 61: 17-20, pg 71: 11-13, pg 79: 9-11
Friday 9/26/14 Quiz 1-6, 1-7, 1-8 HW: none
Monday 9/15/14 Convert Unit Rates 1-3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99nyBYmX4To&feature=youtu.be
HW: pg 28:1-3, pg 29: 1-5
Tuesday 9/16/14 Proportional & Non-proportional relationships 1-4
HW: pg 36: 1-3, pg 37: 1-4 Bonus #5
Wednesday 9/17/14 Graph Proportional relationships 1-5
pg 48: 1-3, pg 49:1-3 Today's homework can be done right in the book
Thursday 9/18/14 Problem solving & review Parent Night
HW: pg 31:17, 18 pg 39:11,12 pg 51:10, 12
Friday 9/19/14 Quiz 1-1 - 1-5
HW: None
Monday 9/8/14 Rates HW: pg 12: 1-3, pg. 13: 1-6
Tuesday 9/9/14 Review Dividing Fractions HW: finish worksheet even #s front & back
Wednesday 9/10/14 Weona Retreat-looking forward to spending the day with you in the great outdoors and participating in some team building activities.
Thursday 9/11/14 Complex Fractions/Unit Rate HW: pg 21:1-9
Friday 9/12/14 Conversions, Quiz Unit Rate/dividing fractions HW: Conversion wksht
Wednesday 9/3/14 First Day of School-Middle School Assembly followed by a shortened schedule
Thursday 9/4/14 Introductions/Course Expectations HW:Signed Course Expectations
Friday 9/5/14 Review Activity HW: None
7th Grade will be going to Weona on Wednesday 9/10/14
Monday 5/19/14 8-4 Volume of Prisms HW: pg 642: 1-4, pg 643: 1-4
Tuesday 5/20/14 8-5 Volume of Pyramids HW: pg 656:2,4 pg 657: 2,4,6
Wednesday 5/21/14 Problem Solving Volume HW pg 645: 11,13,15 pg 659:16,18,20
Thursday 5/22/14 Quiz Volume Visual & Format piece of projects due today
Friday 5/23/14 No School-Happy Memorial Day!
Monday 5/12/14 Class time to work on projects
Tuesday 5/13/14 8-3 Composite Area HW: pg 635:1-9
Wednesday 5/14/14 Field Trip
Thursday 5/15/14 Review Expessions HW: pg 393: 22-24, pg 401: 20-23, pg 409: 17-20 pg 637: 17, 20
Friday 5/16/14 Quiz Composite Area & Expressions HW: work on projects
Monday 5/5/14 7-1 & 7-2 Classify Angles, Comp/Supp Angles HW: pg 539:1-10, pg 546:1-5, pick a partner for Co-Teaching Project
Tuesday 5/6/14 7-3 Triangles
Wednesday 5/7/14 Problem Solving 7-1 -7-3
Thursday 5/8/14 Review Basic area
Friday 5/9/14 7th Grade Retreat
Monday April 28, 2014
Practice fractions using the TI-30XA scientific calculator. The following video tells you how:
Assessment prep #3
Tuesday 4/29/14 Assessment prep #4
Wednesday 4/30/14 Day 1 Math 7 State Assessment Bring sharpened #2 pencils, no calculators allowed.
Thursday 5/1/14 Day 2 Math 7 State Assessment-Calculators allowed
Friday 5/2/14 Day 3 Math 7 State Assessment-Calculators allowed
Tuesday 4/22/14 Welcome Back! Review Expressions & Equations HW: worksheet
Wednesday 4/23/14 Review Expressions & Equations Cont'd.
Thursday 4/24/14 Practice Multiple Choice Questions
Friday 4/25/14 Short quiz equations Practice Multiple Choice Questions
Monday 4/4/14 Rational Numbers HW: finish worksheet
Tuesday 4/5/14 Conversions between Systems HW: pg 323: 1-9
Wednesday 4/6/14 Add/Subtract Fractions HW: pg 289: 15, 16, 20 pg 297: 19,20,24 pg 305: 21,22,26
Thursday 4/7/14 Quiz
Enjoy your Easter Break!
Monday 3/31/14 Ratio & Proportion Review HW: wksht
Tuesday 4/1/14 Ratio & Proportion Review Cont'd HW: wksht
Wednesday 4/2/14 Percents-HW: wksht #1-7 Quiz/Test Corrections due
Thursday 4/3/14 Percents HW: finish packet
Friday 4/4/14 Quiz Ratio & Proportions/Percent Extra Credit due along with any outstanding assignments for the 3rd Quarter
HW: Write and solve four word problems containing the concepts ratios/proportions/percents. Be creative!
Monday 3/24/14 10-4 Comparing Populations HW: pg 832:1,2 pg 833: 1,2
Tuesday 3/25/14 10-5 Select an Appropriate Display HW: 842:1-3, 843: 1-3
Wednesday 3/26/14 Review Probability & Statistics HW: Review packet
Thursday 3/27/14 Unit Test Probability & Statistics HW: none
Friday 3/28/14 Problem Solving w/ Bar Models HW: finish worksheet
Monday 3/17/14 10-2 Unbiased & biased samples HW: pg 804:1,2 pg 805: 1-4
Tuesday 3/18/14 10-3 Misleading Graphs & Statistics HW: pg 816: 2-3, pg 817: 1-3
Wednesday 3/19/14 Measures of Variation and Mean Absolute Deviation HW: wksht
Thursday 3/20/14 Review percents Albright-Knox field trip
Friday 3/21/14 No School-Pastor's Holiday Unit Test Probability & Statistics next week
Monday 3/10/14 9-6 Permutations HW: pg 768:1-3, pg 769: 1-6
Tuesday 3/11/14 9-7 Independent/dependent events HW: pg 778: 1-2, pg 779: 1-6
Wednesday 3/12/14 Snow Day!
Thursday 3/13/14 10-1 Make Predictions HW: pg 797:1-6
Friday 3/14/14 Circles Happy Pi Day! Bring in a pie or anything circular, if you wish.
HW: Take home quiz-do your best
Monday 3/3/14 9-3 Probability of Compound Events HW: pg 737: 1-6
Tuesday 3/4/14 9-4 Simulations HW: pg 745: 1-5
Wednesday 3/5/14 9-5 Fundamental Counting Principle HW: pg 760:1-2, pg 761: 1-4
Thursday 3/6/14 Review & Problem Solving HW: Finish Review sheet
Friday 3/7/14 Quiz 9-3 - 9-5 HW: pg 756: 1-7
Monday 2/24/14 Chance experiments/Intro to probability HW: Problem Set M5L1
Tuesday 2/25/14 9-1 Probability of Simple Events HW: pg 714:1-4 pg 715: 1-5
Wednesday 2/26/14 9-2 Review Simple Probability HW: wksht
Thursday 2/27/14 9-2 Theor vs. Exp Prob., Review & Problem Solving HW: review wksht
Friday 2/28/14 Quiz HW: none
Monday 2/10/14 Scale Drawings & Area HW: Problem Set, watch Mrs. Bauer's trek video #17
Tuesday 2/11/14 8-1 Circumference of a Circle HW: pg 616: 1-5, pg 617: 1-6, watch Mrs. Bauer's trek video #12
Wednesday 2/12/14 8-2 Area of a Circle HW: pg 626: 1-3, pg 627: 1-6
Thursday 2/13/14 Problem Solving & Review HW: finish review sheet
Friday 2/14/14 Quiz-area, circumference, scale drawings HW: Ratio/proportion review
Enjoy your break! Keep practicing math!
Monday 2/3/14 Writing & Solving Inequalities HW: finish wksht
Tuesday 2/4/14 More Writing & Solving Inequalities HW: Problem set 1-5 #6 bonus
Wednesday 2/5/14 Scale drawings HW: wksht #4-8 & create a scale drawing
Thursday 2/6/14 Review Equations & Inequalities HW: finish review packet odd #s
Friday 2/7/14 Quiz Equations & Inequalities HW: pg 520: 25-34
Monday 1/27/14 6-6 Solve Inequalities w/ add & sub HW: pg 500: 1,2 Pg 501: 1-8
Tuesday 1/28/14 Snow Day
Wednesday 1/29/14 Snow Day
Thursday 1/30/14 6-7 Inequalities w/ Mult & div Extra Credit due HW: pg 509: 1-9
Friday 1/31/14 6-8 Two-step Inequalities Shortened Schedule due to Pep Rally HW:wksht all odd problems
No Quiz this week
Monday 1/20/14 MLK Holiday
Tuesday 1/21/14 6-4 Two-step equations HW: pg 473: 1-6, 8-10
Wednesday 1/22/14 6-5 More Two-step equations HW: pg 485: 1-6
Thursday 1/23/14 Problem solving & review HW: pg 463: 19-21, pg 475: 20-22, pg 485: 7, pg 487: 18, 19
Friday 1/14/14 Quiz 6-1-6-5 HW: pg 492: 1-10 (graded)
Extra credit assignment available for Q2-due Wednesday
Monday 1/13/14 Problem Solving HW: go back through part I of the study guide. Go through examples from your book, chapters 1-5.
Tuesday 1/14/14 Mid-term Part I HW: go back through part II of the study guide. Go through examples from your book, chapters 1-5
Wednesday 1/15/14 Mid-term Part II HW: none
Thursday 1/16/14 6-1 & 6-2 One-step equations pg 441: 1-6, pg 451: 1-9
Friday 1/17/14 6-3 Equations w/ rational coefficients HW: pg 460: 1-3, pg 461: 1-6
Welcome Back! I hope you are well rested and ready to get back into the swing of things. We will be having a mid-term next Monday & Tuesday, but no worries, we will be reviewing this week.
Monday 1/6/14 5-8 Factor Linear Expressions HW: pg 419:1-10
Tuesday 1/7/14 Snow Day!
Wednesday 1/8/14 Snow Day!
Thursday 1/9/14 Review proportions/unit rate/percents HW: study guide 1-10
Friday 1/10/14 Review integer operations, per/dec/fractions, rational #s HW: study guide 11-30
Due to the snow days this week, the mid-term will be Tuesday & Wednesday next week.
Monday 12/16/13 5-5 Add linear expressions HW: pg 398: 1-2, pg 399: 1-6
Tuesday 12/17/13 5-6 Subtract linear expressions HW: pg 406: 1-2, pg 407:1-6
Wednesday 12/18/13 Problem solving HW: finish worksheet
Thursday 12/19/13 Quiz add&sub linear expressions
Friday 12/20/13 No class 10:50am Dismissal Merry Christmas!
Monday 12/9/13 5-2 Sequences HW: pg 361: 1-7, pg 362: 9
Tuesday 12/10/13 5-3 & 5-4 Properties HW: pg 371: 1-9 odd, pg 1-11 odd
Wednesday 12/11/13 5-5 Simplify Expressions HW: pg 390: 1-2, pg 391: 1-6
Thursday 12/12/13 Problem solving HW: pg 363: 20,22 pg 373: 18, 19,22 pg 381: 28-30, pg 393: 22, 24
Friday 12/13/13 Quiz 5-2 - 5-5 HW: pg 386: 1-10
Monday 12/2/13 Expressions HW: problem set #1-5
Tuesday 12/3/13 Expressions cont'd
Wednesday 12/4/13 Expressions
Thursday 12/5/13 Problem solving & review HW: worksheet
Friday 12/6/13 Quiz-expressions HW: Review sheet
Monday 11/25/13 Applying Properties to Multi/Divide Rational Numbers HW:problem set
Tuesday 11/26/13 5-1 Algebraic Expressions HW: pg 353:1-10
Wednesday 11/27/13 quiz applying properties and algebraic expressions, Problem Solving Activity HW; finish problem solving wksht.
Thursday 11/28/13 Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday 11/29/13 No School
Monday 11/18/13 4-6 Multiply Fractions HW: 314:1-3, pg 315:1-9
Tuesday 11/19/13 4-8 Divide Fractions HW: pg 330:1-3, pg 331: 1-6
Wednesday 11/20/13 Problem Solving chapters 3&4 HW:finish worksheet
Thursday 11/21/13 Review Unit #2 HW: finish review sheet
Friday 11/22/13 Unit #2 Test-The Number System
Monday 11/11/13 No School Veteran's Day
Tuesday 11/12/13 Add/sub like fractions HW: pg 287:1-6, pg 289: 15-19
Wednesday 11/13/13 Add/sub unlike fractions HW: pg 295:1-9
Thursday 11/14/13 Add/sub mixed #s pg 303:1-9 mini quiz add/sub fractions
Friday 11/15/13 HW: worksheet add/sub unlike fractions and mixed numbers Early Dismissal 10:50 am Open Parent Teacher Conferences
Monday 11/4/13 Multiply & divide integers HW: pg 237:1-6, pg 247: 1-8
Tuesday 11/5/13 Evaluating Expressions HW: pg 219:10-12, pg 239: 24-28, pg 247:9-12
Wednesday 11/6/13 Terminating/repeating decimals, comparing rational #s HW: 267:1-4, 13-15, pg 275: 3-7, skip 5
Thursday 11/7/13 Problem solving HW: Review wksht
Friday 11/8/13 Quiz 3-4, 3-5, 4-1, 4-2 HW: pg 254: 2,3 pg 255: 1-6
Monday 10/28/13 Integers & Absolute Value HW pg 195:1-11
Tuesday 10/29/13 Add Integers & subtract integers HW: pg 207: 1-9, pg 219: 1-9
Wednesday 1030/13 Subtract Integers HW: worksheet
Thursday 10/31/13 Problem Solving HW: Review worksheet Have a Happy and safe Halloween!
Friday 11/1/13 Quiz Mass Schedule
Monday 10/21/13 Application problems-sales tax, ti, discount HW: pg 155: 1-5 pg 163: 1-5
Tuesday 10/22/13 Simple Interest HW: pg 171: 1-8
Wednesday 10/23/13 Review percents pg 181: 1-6
Thursday 10/24/13 Practice test Chapter 2 Finish practice test
Friday 10/25/13 Chapter 2 test percents
Monday 10/7/13 Chapter 1 Test
Tuesday 10/8/13 2-1 Percent of a number HW: 107:1-9
Wednesday 10/9/13 2-2 Percent & Estimation HW:
Thursday 10/10/13 2-3 Percent Proportion HW:
Friday 10/11/13 Problem solving/quiz- HW: Distinguished Alumni Mass at 9:40. Enjoy the long holiday weekend!
Monday 9/30/13 Slope (1-8) HW: pg 76:1, pg 77:1-3
Tuesday 10/1/13 Direct Variation (1-9) HW: pg 85: 1-7
Wednesday 10/2/13 Review HW: review packet 1-9
Thursday 10/3/13 Field Trip to Amherst Museum. Unit 1 test will be moved to Monday 10/7/13
Friday 10/4/13 Review sheet
First unit test next Friday 10/4-Ratios and Proportional Relationships
Monday 9/23/13 Graph Proportional Relationships HW: pg 49-50:1-5 Quiz corrections due Tues. if you scored below 75%
Tuesday 9/24/13 Solve Proportions HW: pg 58:1-3, pg 59: 1-5
Wednesday 9/25/13 Rate of Change HW: finish wksht
Thursday 9/26/13 Problem solving/Review HW: pg 51: 9, 10, pg 61: 17-20 pg 69: 1-4
Friday 9/27/13 Quiz, HW: graded assignment
Monday 9/16/13 Complex Fractions & Unit Rate HW: pg 21:1-9
Tuesday 9/17/13 Conversions pg 28: 1-2, pg 29:1-4
Wednesday 9/18/13 Proportional & Non-proportional relationships pg 36:1-3, pg 37: 1-5
Thursday 9/19/13 Problem Solving & Review pg 31:15-16, pg 44: 1-9
Friday 9/20/13 Quiz Enjoy the weekend, Go Bills!
where is the stuff for this week i cant find it
ReplyDelete-patrick frank